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My internship at 200Apps

Ari Hagler
August 5, 2021

My name is Ari Hagler, and I had the privilege of interning for 200apps in the summer of 2021. 

During my internship, I was given many important tasks that allowed me to contribute to the company and learn new skills. 

For example, I was tasked with devising a system of tests for the apps in development and was given the chance to implement them and see how they were fixed. Also, I was able to write scripts from scratch to help the office run smoothly and efficiently. For every task I was given, I had the trust of my supervisors to complete it efficiently and quickly.

At the same time, whenever I had a question, there was someone available and happy to help me navigate the problem and find out what was going wrong. Furthermore, upon completing a task, my supervisors always sat down with me to review what I had completed, how it worked, and what I could do to improve it.

Not only did I learn many useful skills and gain a lot of experience in the world of web and app development, I also had an amazing time! 

The atmosphere at the 200apps office is welcoming and open, and the people working there are friendly and respectful. The sound of diligent working provided a professional environment that helped me work seriously, but it was interspersed with conversations and laughter that helped the environment remain relaxed and positive. Many of the workers enjoy their lunch break in the beautiful courtyard outside the office, and on Thursdays, the company treats employees to a group lunch where everyone is able to take a break from work and enjoy spending time with each other. 

Overall, my internship at 200apps has been a success. I was able to gain practical skills, work in a fantastic environment, and make connections that will last a lifetime. I could not be more thankful.

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